LAKRITZ LAW Obtains a $1.8 Million Settlement For A Good Samaritan Who Suffers A Leg Fracture And Concussion Following Car Crash
Plaintiff was a pedestrian, going to the aid of a disabled motorist, whose vehicle had slipped off the roadway adjacent to a highway. The road surface was slick due to freezing rain. While plaintiff was offering assistance to the disabled motorist, Defendant motorist came up the exit ramp at too great a speed for existing road conditions. Defendant motorist drove off the roadway, pinning Plaintiff pedestrian against the vehicle of the motorist to whom Plaintiff was rendering aid. As a consequence, Plaintiff, age 37, suffered a fractured leg and a concussion which was ultimately diagnosed as a mild traumatic brain injury. The LaKritz Law Firm lawyers moved aggressively to file successful Motions and to take numerous depositions designed to prevent Defendants from having factual support for their numerous Defenses. The parties reached settlement in the amount of $1.8 Million Dollars prior to Trial. LaKritz Law Firm lawyers were also able to obtain significant first-party no-fault benefits for Plaintiff in this case.

LAKRITZ LAW Obtains An Undisclosed, Confidential Amount Over $1 Million Maximizing A Recovery For A Surviving Family Member Because Of Deaths Caused By A Drunk Driver
Three individuals were killed by a drunk driver who crashed into the rear of their lawfully stationary vehicle as they were waiting to turn left into a parking lot. The drunk driver had a blood alcohol level of over 2 times the legal limit.
LaKRITZ LAW Obtains $215,000 Settlement For Plaintiff Driver Who Was Struck By Driver Who Ran Red Light
Plaintiff driver, an active 50 year old woman, was lawfully driving through an intersection, when she was suddenly struck by Defendant driver. Defendant driver ran a red light and directly struck Plaintiff’s vehicle in a T-bone fashion at a high rate of speed. Plaintiff suffered a severe traumatic brain injury, along with cervical disc herniations, a rotator cuff tear, and headaches, amongst other injuries. The LaKritz Law Firm resolved this case for $215,000. LaKritz Law Firm lawyers were also able to obtain significant first-party no-fault benefits for Plaintiff in this case.